Escorted Tour vs Independent Travel to New Zealand - About New Zealand

Escorted Tour vs Independent Travel – in New Zealand

Posted on: June 24th, 2014 by Marketing_ANZ No Comments

Experiencing New Zealand by taking an escorted tour presents a unique opportunity for experiencing a level of relaxation and enjoyment you didn’t know was possible. We received an email the other day with a question and it was so good, we decided to share it.

Escorted Tours New Zealand

Hey Paul,
I’ve found your website and really want to go to New Zealand but I’m not really sure where to go or what to do. There’s so many options, how do I choose? And is it safe for me to go alone? What’s the benefit of an escorted tour vs independent travel? – Danyel E

Dear Danyel,
We can understand your excitement about New Zealand. We may be biased, but we think that there is something for everyone in the land of the Kiwis. Here are some reasons why we think an escorted tour to New Zealand may be what you want to do. – Paul

Why would I choose an escorted tour vs independent travel?

It’s just plain easier – Traveling to New Zealand is all about relaxing and having the time of your life. You already have a crazy stressful life so why add to it having to pour over outdated guides written by people who may not have a deep understanding of where you want to go. There will be no maps or GPS to deal with. There won’t be time wasted having to figure out how to drive on the left side of the road. You have the time and freedom to see the sites with an expert local as your guide.

Time – Sadly, you only have so long to take your dream vacation to New Zealand. Taking a tour guided by not only a local, but an expert, mean you can pack more excitement, luxury, or adventure into your time in the land of the Kiwi.

Instead of wasting time looking for places to go or having to guess where the best bargains are, wouldn’t it be helpful to have an expert handy? That’s what a tour guide can do for you. They are your insight on the local scene.

Convenience – Holidays are about relaxing and having as much fun as possible. Nobody truly enjoys going to 100 different websites, reading 10 different tour books, and looking at endless tour guides filled with outdated information. With an escorted tour, you only have to book one thing in advance and you are done! How keen is that?

You also know your total cost, schedule, and adventures better while you don’t have to worry about pulling out your wallet left and right on the trip. You can focus on what’s important: having fun.

Comfort – If you’ve never traveled the world before, you can’t put a price on how useful having local guides is. Luckily, the food, wine, and water in New Zealand is great! Just like anywhere, knowing someone that is an expert in the types of adventures and experiences you want to have is amazing. You don’t have to ever guess what the best food is or how much time to stay at any one spot, your guide is there to be your experience concierge.

Social/Fun/Meet People
– Traveling in a group is a great deal safer than traveling alone. We have experience booking travel for large groups of sorority sisters as well as old Army buddies. You can also join in with a group of other travelers and make new friends as you discover New Zealand. Singles love seeing New Zealand on an escorted tour since you will get to tour with small group of people that you will get to know, and still have plenty of time to “see the sites.” Couples will love the extra time they can spend with one another. No one has to worry about driving or planning a thing. Its all done for you.

Expert Insight– It’s like having a really good friend in New Zealand. Our guides have a passion for what they do and it shows. Hit the highlights and discover those out of the way places that only locals know about. Go places lone travelers can’t go. Plus, you don’t have to worry about trying to drive on the left side of the road.

Custom Tailored – Don’t let old fashioned group tours fool you. Our escorted tours are custom tailored to make sure you have a once in a lifetime experience in New Zealand. Our packages range from seeing the wild outdoors and natural beauty of the South Island to tours that include the best spas, wine, and food New Zealand has to offer.

So Danyel, does this sound like it should be a part of the dream adventure of a lifetime? CLICK HERE to find pricing information and more details.

We hope that you’ve found this information helpful. Should you have any concerns or need some help planning that dream vacation to New Zealand, don’t hesitate to call us directly.

Toll Free 888-359-2877 (Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm Central US) We’d love to help you customize your perfect trip of a lifetime.

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David and Mary Swinney
Excellent Support

We had a wonderful time. Every portion of the trip was well-planned and we enjoyed every stop along the way. We did have a glitch or two (not bad for 19 days traveling :-), but when we did, Ana(...)

Janet H. Rust
Wonderful Time!

We had a fabulous time in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. You arranged fun excursions that we all enjoyed and then a relaxing time in Fiji before we returned to the US. Especially enjoyed(...)

Bryan Betke
About New Zealand & Ana Musgray did an excellent job planning my honeymoon!
Cheryl Dubs
One of the best vacations ever!

Didn't know how this campervan experience was going to go but it turned out to be one of the best vacations I have ever had. About New Zealand Travel Agency had information we needed and was(...)